What’s Your Heart’s Desire?
Hi friends,
So many of you are my followers through my Melanie S. Chitwood Writing Tips Blog. Some of you are followers of My Doing the Best I Can Blog.
Thank you for following and welcome! Today’s message will be for both of groups.
So it’s the new year, when we’re supposed to make new year’s resolutions. I have some, and I like having resolutions.
But I’m not going to ask you to do that. I’m going to ask you simply to do some thinking, praying, reflecting, and journaling.
To reflect on today and in the coming weeks, let’s take a look at two questions:
- What’s my heart’s desire?
Maybe your answer looks something like this:
I don’t know.
I haven’t thought about it.
Isn’t that selfish to think about what I want?
I have too many heart’s desires.
I believe many of us are afraid to even ask ourselves that question. But whatever it is, I hope you’ll write it down. Don’t filter it through any should or should-nots.
Maybe it’s a word, an idea, a hope, a dream you’ve been afraid to even whisper aloud.
Maybe it’s sparkly and fun.
Maybe it’s more serious or weighty.
Here are some of my thoughts about my heart’s desires:
Laugh hard. Maybe even every day.
Write and publish a guided journal.
Create an online course on chapter writing.
Lose 10 pounds. Yep. I said it. I lost 20 pounds a couple years ago, and I love the way it made me feel.
Go to Europe.
Ride a horse on the beach.
Honor my voice.
So the other question I want you to reflect on:
2. What does God think about my heart’s desire?
I believe wholeheartedly that God cares about our heart’s desire.
I also believe that many of us have wrong beliefs when it comes to the desires of our hearts. And this wrong thinking can cause us to conclude that God doesn’t care about our heart’s desire. Here’s where we get it wrong.
God wired our hearts to bend a certain way.
Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”
That word workmanship in the Greek is poiema, obviously where we derive our word poem.
Let’s be the work of art He created us to be, and in doing so, we’ll bring glory to God.
I hope you’ll spend time reflecting, praying, journaling, and honoring your heart’s desire. Tuck those thoughts where you can be reminded of them down the road.
I’m so glad you’re here!
Sale on Writing Coaching and Editing
Now is the perfect time to commit to your writing goals, as my writing services are on sale!
For consulting, my sale price is $75/hour (instead of my normal $100/hour), and you can purchase any number of hours.
You might want to discuss your book’s outline or a particular chapter. You might want me to read a chapter and give you feedback. Or anything else that would be helpful.
You can purchase the writing consultation and/or editing at the sale price now through January 31, 2023, and use the consultation any time up to March 31st, 2023.
I do three types of editing:
- Manuscript development -looking at big picture of your manuscript; working on it chapter by chapter, starting with a rough draft and/or developing as we go along.
- Copyediting – a middle service editing, looking at wording, organization, flow.
- Proofreading – correcting all the little mistakes in grammar and punctuation.
I’m offering a 10% reduction on each of my editing services (I’ll tell you more about the fees when we have a free 15-minute phone conversation).
You can purchase my consultation and/or editing services at the sale price now through, JANUARY 31, 2023, and use the consultation/editing services up to March 31st, 2023.
Hey there! I’m so thankful for your post today on the Compel Training course! It definitely got my heart. It’s something I related to in every single way. I’m a single mother, with a million and one things to do. Constantly going and yet finding my me time as relaxing as possible because I try my best to give it to God. In this world of so much chaos it is the hardest thing to do some days. But oh so sweet to just know that what he places in our hearts is for us and he would never give us more than we can handle! Thank you for your heart to share!!
Thank you, Crystal, for your comment and for being here.
Isn’t Compel great!
I can’t imagine how hard it is to be a single mom.
Just take your writing dreams one step at a time, knowing
God sees your heart.