Writing Tips
On my Writing Tips Blog I offer writing tips and encouragement as we journey together in our writing ministry. (I blogged previously at Next Step Coaching Services with Amy Carroll.)
I love to partner with writers of all abilities to help make their dreams come true! Find more about this and under the Writing Coaching section of my website.
When you sign up for my Writing Tips Blog, you’ll receive
- writing tips on punctuation and grammar
- teaching about organizing and developing your manuscript, no matter what size
- encouragement for the tough days, when you’re doubting your ability and calling
- guidelines for how to use Scripture in your writing
Latest Writing Tips
Free Writing Tips and Tricks to Make You Happy!
Sometimes it’s the simple things that make writing easier and make us happier writers. And if they’re free, that’s even better! I’m sharing a few simple writing tips this week. If you have any, no matter how simple, please share! Remove Double Spacing I took a typing class in high school—yes, that ages me!—where I…
What to Do When You Doubt Your Writing Ability
After taking the summer off, I’m so excited to return to writing. As I sit to write this blog post, however, something happens: I feel stuck. Nothing comes to mind to write about. I am frustrated, but I’m pretty sure I know why I’m feeling this way: I’m doubting my ability as a writer. Do you…
Do You Need to Edit Your Life?
Do you have time and energy to devote to speaking or writing? If not, you may need to edit your life. Editing our lives means making room to honor our calling. I’ll give you some ideas for editing your life, and then I’d love to hear from you! Edit according to seasons When we step…
Using Correct Punctuation Establishes Your Writing Professionalism
Using correct punctuation establishes your professionalism as a writer. When you use correct punctuation, you look like you know what you’re doing and thus establish authority as a writer. In light of that let’s continue to look at some of the most common punctuation rules. Last week I showed you how to use a comma…
Knowing Correct Punctuation Increases Our Confidence as Writers
Knowing punctuation rules increases our confidence as writers. If you have a few punctuation rules in your pocket, ones that you’ll use constantly, you’ll feel more assurance as you write. I wrote a couple of posts on grammar rules we can break (click here and here), but when it comes to punctuation, we need to…
Grammar Rules to Break: Part 2
Some grammar rules can be broken (see last week’s post about grammar rules to break by clicking here). As writing has become more casual, some grammar rules have become somewhat outdated. As the writer, you determine what is the best style for your reader, casual or more formal. If casual, such as a blog post,…
Grammar Rules to Break: Part 1
Today we’re looking at two grammar rules to break. Because today’s writing tends to be more casual (yes, that’s a generalization), these two grammar rules can be broken. The first rule to break: Write in complete sentences. Avoid sentence fragments. A complete sentence includes both a subject and a verb, resulting in a complete thought, such…
Writing Qualities Our Readers Will Love: Christ-Inspired Writing
Our topic today, Christ-Inspired writing, is the last post in this series about writing qualities our readers will love. Make sure you get the freebie checklist at the end of this post about the writing qualities covered in this series. So far we’ve covered targeted focus; writing that flows; and clean writing. (click on each topic…