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  1. Amen, Melanie. Thank you for sharing this truth from your journey. You know part of my own awkward steps toward God’s call to share my writing. I know many say these words, but I pray the truth of them are not lost, “I needed to read your words, today.” Enjoy your day, friend!

    1. And I needed to hear them. I do not take them lightly, so thank you!

  2. Jana Smith says:

    Thank you, Melanie, for this message. Like you, I have been struggling with writing as a ministry. It is remarkable how similar our journeys are. Although I am not 40, I have been toying with the idea of writing for almost 40 years! Yes, it is time to ‘go north’. I have ‘journaled’ for most of my adult years. I love to lead Bible studies and see others grow in their faith.

    However, doubt has often assailed me. Who am I to write? Who am I to give guidance and direction? These thoughts have plagued me for a number of years. So, instead, I turned to fiction. It was not a huge leap, as I have had ‘stories’ in my head, so to speak, my entire life, and I mean that. Even as a child, I had stories. Now, I hope I can minister to others through my stories.

    Thank you for your posts/e-mails. I find them refreshing, informative, stimulating and empowering.

    God bless,

    1. I’m so glad you’re finding them to be encouraging, Jana!

  3. Melanie,
    I found your post long after you posted it and I think the Lord meant for me to find it at this junction in my life. See, I have been working on my memoir for several years, diligently writing every day, but also running a family business. Then, my elderly father moved closer and then my health took a turn for the worse. It isn’t a good diagnosis and I have been discouraged as I will have to turn a lot of my attention to other things to preserve my health and I am at the point (literally about half-way through my writing my memoir) that I may have to abandon it. The struggle to write is painful. I’m in physical therapy as well. I have semi-retired to accommodate all these new things in my life, including tending to my father, which had been in our plan for several years but this year everything hit like a perfect storm and I’m questioning if I should just stop. I will have a life-long condition, and possibly a painful one, but I have felt since I was 18 I had to write this book. I am now 58. That is forty years….so that is why I feel your post struck a cord with me. I know this memoir is needed out in the world, but fatigue, pain and a new diagnosis has me doubting. But after reading this post, I will try for 15 min. a day. I pray the Lord will encourage my heart, despite so many setbacks.

    1. We’re praying with you, Lisa!

  4. Thank you so much. I would really appreciate to have a 15 minutes consultation with you. I have been writing a journal about the wonders of some bible characters and how it has helped me in my own spiritual journey. I would so like to share and help people. It’s a bit challenging though, in this world of today. Fear, doubt kept me from trying.

    1. Hi Myriam,
      I’m so sorry for the late reply!

      I am away from 3/20 to 3/28. I am available for a 15-minute phone conversation Wednesday, 3/29 or Thursdays 3/30 between 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. ET or later in the day.

      Will you please send me your email address and I’ll respond there as well?

      1. Hi Melanie,
        so good to hear from you. Wednesday the 29th will be better for me, UK time. I also put my email address.
        Can’t wait to hear from you.
        Thank you so much.

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